Our products are shipped from Germany and find their way to your place as fast as possible. All paid orders before 5pm leave the warehouse on the same day.
The products are delivered all over the world.
Dispatch costs (inclusive of legally applicable VAT)
Domestic deliveries (Germany):
0,00€ shipping fee / free of charge
Deliveries to foreign countries
Europe Zone 1:
1,95€ shipping fee
No shipping fee is charged for orders of an order value of 50,00 € onwards
Europe Zone 2:
14,95€ shipping fee
4,95€ shipping fee for orders of an order value of 50,00 € onwards
Deliveries to all other countries:
29,95€ shipping fee
4,95€ shipping fee for orders of an order value of 100,00 € onwards
Countries Europe Zone 1:
Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republik, Denmark Finland, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
Countries Europe Zone 2:
Andorra, Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Switzerland
All duties and taxes to be payed by buyer.